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Ajusco is a 3930 m/ 12894 ft, lava dome volcano located just south of Mexico City, it is the highest point in the Mexican Federal District co extensive with Mexico city. Ajusco is a Nahuatl word variously translated as source of waters or watered grove.

Cerro del Ajusco

  • Activity: hiking, one day.
  • Country: México
  • State: Distrito Fedral- Estado de México.
  • Location: Parque Nacional Cumbres del Ajusco
  • Altitude: 3930 m/12 894 ft

Cerro San Miguel

The Desierto de los Leones National Park is one of the national parks are there in the city of Mexico in the mountains which is located in the southern part of its limits and was provided with an area of 1866 hectares comprising in its territory a wide variety of pines and animal species are protected.

This was one of the first national parks that had Mexico in the early twentieth-century and has been closely linked to the development of the capital because since the time of the viceroyalty, the waters of its springs were I carried by an aqueduct city. A monastery of the order of discalced Carmelites established in their forest because of the peace and natural tranquility prevailing in this place. The maximum elevation having the place is the San Miguel hill with a height of 3790 m./ 12630 ft

  • Activity: hiking, one day.
  • Country: Mexico
  • State: Distrito Federal- Estado de México
  • Location: Parque Nacional Desierto de los Leones
  • Altitude: 3790 m/12630 ft

Nevado de Toluca

Nevado de Toluca is a large stratovolcano central Mexico, located about 80 kilometers west of Mexico city near of Toluca, it is generally cited as the fourth highest of Mexico peaks, after Pico de Orizaba, Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl, although by some measurements Sierra Negra is slightly higher. The nahuatl name Xinatencatl which is usually translated as a naked lord “señor desnudo”. Has a 1.5 km wide summit crater that is open to east. A large dacitic lava dome in this crater separates two lakes, known as the lakes of the Sun and Moon.

  • Activity: hiking, one day.
  • Country: Mexico.
  • State: Estado de México.
  • Location: Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca.
  • Altitude: 4680 m/ 15354 ft.


La Malinche also known as Matlalcueyetl or Malinzin is an inactive volcano, located in Tlaxcala and Puebla states in Mexico. Officially, its summit reaches 4461m (14 636 ft) above sea level, the sixth highest in Mexico.

The Tlaxcaltecas named it Matlalcueyetl which in English means “lady of the green skirts”a goddness of rain and song. The Spanish changed its name to “Malintzin and / or malinche in honor of a woman from the current Tabasco state called Malinalli who helped the Spanish as a translator.

  • Activity: hiking, one day or two
  • Country: Mexico.
  • State: Tlaxcala
  • Location: Parque Nacional la Malinche
  • Altitude: 4461m/ 14636 ft

Sierra Negra

Sierra Negra is an extinct volcanic companion peak of Mexico`s highest mountain, The Pico de Orizaba (Citlaltepetl). At up to 4640 m (15220 ft) above sea level.

The summit of Sierra Negra is the site for one of the world`s premier astronomical instruments, the large Millimeter Telescope.

  • Activity: hiking, one day.
  • Country: México.
  • State: Puebla
  • Location: Parque Nacional Pico de Orizaba.

Cofre de Perote

Cofre de Perote originally naupa-Tecutepetl in náhuatl language is known also as Nauhcampatepetl both nahuatl names mean something like place of four mountain of the Lord of four places. This extinct volcano is located in the Mexican state of Veracruz, at the poin where the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt, home to all of Mexico`s highest peaks, join the Sierra Madre OrientalCofre de Perote originally naupa-Tecutepetl in náhuatl language is known also as Nauhcampatepetl both nahuatl names mean something like place of four mountain of the Lord of four places. This extinct volcano is located in the Mexican state of Veracruz, at the poin where the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt, home to all of Mexico`s highest peaks, join the Sierra Madre Oriental

  • Activity: hiking, one day
  • Country: Mexico.
  • State: Veracruz
  • Location: Parque Nacional Cofre de Perote.
  • Altitude: 4282 m/ 14049 ft


Iztaccihuatl , dormant volcanic mountain in Mexico, it’s the nation`s third highest after Pico de Orizaba and Popocatepetl. The name iztaccihuatl is nahuatl for “white woman” reflecting the four individual snow capped peaks which depict the head, chest, knees and feet of a sleeping female when seen from east or west.

  • Activity: Climbing, two days
  • Country: Mexico
  • State: Puebla and Estado de México
  • Location: Parque Nacional Izta-Popo Zoquiapan
  • Altitude: 5230 m/ 17159 ft

Note: If you want to perform any of these activities is important prior training and acclimatize.